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Pumpkin Exploration and Sharing Our Learning Experiences!

This week was full of excitement as we learned all about pumpkins and their life cycles, became pumpkin investigators, explored book fair and shared our learning experiences with our families! This week we read the story From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pleffer.

We learned about how pumpkins grow, focusing on new vocabulary (sprout, vine, cling, ripe, sprawl) and their life cycle. We concluded our week with a pumpkin exploration! We worked through stations to weigh, measure, conduct a sink/float experiment and examine the insides of the pumpkin, working together to count the seeds! Check out our pictures below as we conducted our investigations!

Our friends were also extremely excited to show off all of the hard work they had done on their pumpkin book reports! Thank you for dedication and work at home helping them to prepare their pumpkins to look like the main characters from their favorite stories. I hope you all had a chance at parent-teacher conferences to trick-or-treat for story elements in our favorite stories! Take a look below as our friends show off their individual projects!

Above Hailey, Braylin, Bayla, Emily, and Ruth show of their pumpkins decorated as a race car, Skippy John Jones, Goldilocks, Emeraldalicious, and Clifford.

Here you can see Parker, Mallory, Morgan, Ahliviah, Austin, with their projects. They worked with the stories; Wouldn't It Be Funny If..., Brown Bear Brown Bear, Scaredy Cat, Betty Bunny, and Click Clack Moo.

We had a few friends pick superhero and Star Wars stories to use for their book reports. Above you can see Elijah, Aaron, Ethan, and Alijah with their favorite characters; Hulk, BB-8, Darth Vadar, and Spiderman, as well as and Ben with his pumpkin decorated as Batman.

A few of our friends picked books from the same authors/series! Cameron read There was on Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover and made his pumpkin look like the old lady. Reid read There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly and decorated his pumpkin as the fly! Rex and Brooklyn both read Froggy books and made the main character from their stories, showing their individual styles and creativity!

We had three friends pick non-fictions stories. Here you can see Paige and Kasen with their nonfiction stories Saving TIgers and The Storybook Bible and their pumpkins decorated as a tiger and Jesus. Owen also decorated his pumpkin as a T-Rex after working with a book Prehistoric Dinosaurs (not pictured).

We were also so excited to have all of you join us for our first round of student-led conferences this week! I am so proud of all of our friends for working extremely hard to prepare for their conferences. We spent time each day thinking about our learning, behavior and friendship skills, and answering honestly for moms and dads to see! They were all looking forward to sharing their progress with you! I want to thank you all for your participation and help in setting goals with your child. I am looking forward to our continued work together to help your child reach their goals! If you haven't already done so, please fill out a quick survey to offer us a little feedback on your thoughts about conferences! You can click here:

As we move into the coming week we will begin a study on Bats, as well as finish up our first small moment story during Writing Workshop. In math we will continue learning addition strategies, finding the unknown number at the end of an equation and counting on from a given number.

Please keep in mind the following as we approach the end of October:

* Boo Grams are being sold next week Wednesday -Thursday, October 26th, 27th and 28th. Boo Grams are $0.25 each and can be purchased during lunch recess. All proceeds benefit our First Graders and will be used towards literacy materials!!

* Please remember that our school wide Halloween Parade is on Monday, October 31st. Students are not allowed to wear their costumes to school that day. They can however, bring them with to school and will have time after lunch to put them on before our parade! The parade for parents will be at 2:00 in the gym. Please refer to our class holiday snack calendar. I have assigned various treats/materials for each student once throughout the year for our different holiday parties. If you are unable to contribute to our party please let me know ahead of time so I can make sure the necessary arrangements! You can click here to see the schedule:

*There will be no school on Tuesday, November 1st.

*If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom please let me know! We would love your help!

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