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First Grade ROCKS!

Have you tried eating a sedimentary rock? Well these first graders have and they had a rock'n time trying them!!!!

As you know, we have been learning about the earth, its layers and how they were formed and what each layer is made of. As we have been working, our class has had the opportunity to learn about various minerals and rocks. Our firsties now know that every type of rock there is on earth falls into 1 of 3 categories - igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. Ask your child to tell you what each of those types of rocks means!

As we wrapped up our latest knowledge unit about the earth, we read an article called How Rocks Are Like Dessert. We know that sedimentary rocks are made of many layers that have been formed over time, under pressure. Our sedimentary rock consisted of layers of brownies, chocolate pudding, cool whip, and even had candy rocks on top!!!

Our class thoroughly enjoyed the tasty treat! They LOVED having being able to talk about how their desserts were like rocks and even try the candy rocks that could have passed for real ones!

On Wednesday, we had a guest speaker come to visit who is very knowledgable about rocks. Max Stange is a CAPS high school student who collects, polishes and turns rocks into jewlery. Max brought over a collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils that he has collected over the years and shared information about them with our first graders. They had a lot of fun learning about them, getting to ask questions, hold the materials and even see what happens to some when put under a black light!

Also on Wednesday, we took a trip to the auditorium during the day for concert practice. It was fun getting to see everyone sing and say their speaking parts. I hope that you were able to attend and watch the show! It was fun!

Next up on the reading front is Fairy Tales! We can't wait to explore the fantasy in these stories, retell the elements and discuss the problems and solutions that arise in each one....and of course listen to the happily ever afters that accompany these fairy tales! So far this week we have read about Sleeping Beauty (which some friends noticed was different from movie they had seen) as well as Rumpilstilskin. We are learning how to pick out and discuss the problems and solutions in each story! We LOVE fairy tales!

Math has consisted this week of continuing our study of time to the hour and half hour. Our class pretended to be zookeepers this week, finding out just how important time and schedules are to people in their daily lives.

We have also introduced some fun new math games to centers and have incorporated a variety of activities and learning opportunities during guided math stations to help our class learn to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Chloe and Ky are playing a matching game were they are telling the times on analog clocks and finding the matching digital time!

Logan is cutting out pictures of analog clocks to glue to their matching digital clock.

Karley and Jaxxon are writing the room. The class gets to explore the hall and our classroom, looking for analog clocks. Each time they find one, they have to read the time shown on the clock and record that time in a digital clock on their recording sheet.

Tyler and Stevie are playing interactive games where they have to tell the time during guided math stations.

We have also found the answer to the fun question...What does the Clock Say? If you would like a catchy song stuck in your head you can watch the video below to find out what the clock says!

Please continue practicing your child's spelling words with them every day. Our spelling test will be this coming Monday. The words this week all have the /j/ sound. They are difficult words to decipher as the /j/ sound can be spelled with a j, g, or ge. Don't forget our tricky word YOUR this week too!

Our class has started a unit on light and sound this week in science. They are also moving on to learning about maps and places in Social Studies. They have been excited about getting back into the routine of switching with Mrs. Powell's class again as we took last week to get settled back into our classroom routines rather than switching for science and social studies.

Upcoming Dates and Reminders:

April 16th is Late Start Monday

April 16th is Camo Day as we celebrate with our guest author Buck Wilder!

April 18th is basket assembly night for Fun Night. Check your child's folder tonight for information about fun night. If you are able to volunteer in any way for fun night please sign up!

April 20th is Fun Night!!! Come out and enjoy the games and have tons of fun!!!

April 23rd is Kindergarten Round Up at Forest View. If you have or know of an upcoming Forest View Kindergartener make sure to attend!

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